Wesley Nurse
Wesley Nurse
FUMC Smithville is very honored to have our own resident Wesley Nurse. Come by the office and visit with Sharlene concerning your health and wellness.
1. Holistic nursing (treating mind, body, and spirit)
2. Health and wellness services (i.e. blood pressure screenings, blood sugar screenings, nutrition, medication safety)
3. Preventive health education (i.e. obesity, hypertension, smoking cessation, diabetes)
4. Collaboration w/ other health organizations (i.e. Bastrop Interagency Coalition, American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, American Diabetes Association, Riverbend Home Health, Agri-Life Extension, etc.)
• Exercise classes
• Blood Pressure Screenings
• Blood Sugar Screenings
• Health Education presentations
• Individual Health Education/Screenings (nurse’s office)
• Nursing Home Visits
• Community Outreach
• Health Fairs
Call for information on times and locations of programs/appointments
Sharlene Scheler RN BSN
Wesley Nurse Health Ministries
First United Methodist Church
Smithville, Texas 78957
Office: 512-237-7437
Cell: 210-259-3733
“Serving Humanity To Honor God