Methodist Men & Women

Methodist Men & Womens Gatherings


United Methodist Men

The United Methodist Men (UMM) of Smithville are an active group of men serving Christ through work, fellowship, and friendship. The UMM meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each quarter. Member teams take on the responsibility of finding a place, providing a meal, and providing a devotional.

Funds raised throughout the year go to the UMM Youth Scholarship fund, the Ministerial Alliance, Smithville Food Bank, Blue Santa, Scouts, Christian Learning Center and other worthwhile Christian endeavors.


United Methodist Women

The UMW at First United Methodist Church is a vibrant group of ladies who meet the second Tuesday of every month.  The location rotates from home to home but new guests are always invited.

The Methodist Ladies are very involved in our community through the Quilting festival, outreach and many other events.  Please join us sometime!